News — Fine Art
The Life to Everthing
Posted by Jesse Roberts on
Posted by RobRoy Chalmers on
Sometimes a painting needs time to find its way. Sometimes, I am not ready. Sometimes, I get sidetracked. By life, by other pieces of art, or frustration. Sometimes they all derail my progress. That’s what happened to this piece. Over a year ago, I was furiously working on this series. Layer, after layer, after layer of paint. Day, after day, after day passed. The process was so important and relevant to my state of mind at the time. While the process was relevant, I could never find the conclusion. The four paintings involved in this process needed to wait for...
Strange Sorcery Compels You.
Posted by RobRoy Chalmers on
“This art is daring and vulnerable, if not fearless. Subtle and refined, yet unrelenting, like a contagion. Some strange sorcery that compels you to look closely, and before you know it, it’s inside you. Not entirely comfortable, but unable to look away, you are pushed to recognize your own fear. You are presented with a choice: confront it and become a new thing unto yourself, or beg to forget the invitation. Either way, you are changed.” S Naify - Author and Poet. Last Saturday was the opening reception for a group show, where I am featured, at Alki Arts in...